
,RazerCortexdoesn'tmerelyboostyourgames,itboostsyourentiresystem.ThenewRazerCortex:SystemBoosterisaone-stopsolutionforbettersystem ...,,2022年3月15日—SystemBoosterissimilartoGameBooster,butitworksforotherapplicationsonyourcomputeroutsidegames.Itspeedsupperformance ...,2020年1月11日—Ibeenusingrazercortexsystemandgameboosterlike1-2yearsandallicansayisthis.KeepyourPCcleanandsimpleinstead,don'trun...

Razer Cortex for Windows

Razer Cortex doesn't merely boost your games, it boosts your entire system. The new Razer Cortex: System Booster is a one-stop solution for better system ...

Razer Cortex review

2022年3月15日 — System Booster is similar to Game Booster, but it works for other applications on your computer outside games. It speeds up performance ...

Is Razer Cortex good for optimisation, or just snake oil?

2020年1月11日 — I been using razer cortex system and game booster like 1-2 years and all i can say is this. Keep your PC clean and simple instead, don't run ...

Razer Cortex

Faster loading✓ Peak system performance✓ More disk spacel✓ Get the Razer Cortex System Booster to clean and tune up your PC for a better gaming ...

Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex: Booster Prime. Automatically streamline your PC's performance and visuals for supported games, thanks to an advanced AI with a machine-learning ...

Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex: GAME BOOSTER increases your FPS by micro-managing your Windows OS and non-essential applications using two core modes: one that disables CPU sleep ...

Razer Cortex

Razer Cortex:Booster Prime 是電腦版Razer Cortex 專用的工具,可幫你設定最佳的遊戲設定,包括以競賽設定為基礎的電競設定。